Chapter 1 : The 1st Meeting

Lost Exile: Exodus Chapter
~Chapter 1 – The 1st Meeting~
       The smells of flowers cover the streets of Krighton, and the townspeople were happily living. Krighton known for their research in magic, even though it’s a small town many adventurers and travellers went to this town to resupply. Krighton Magic Research Guild always requested these travellers to go for a quest and collect materials for their research.
        Rt’han an apprentice to Dr. Sevigril one of the researcher, was amused that their research was almost finished. Dr. Sevigril planned a celebration for their night of succession. Suddenly, screams were heard from the outside of the guild. Knights of the Death Blood led by Capt. Durandal started to slaughter and kill the townsfolk. “This is the will of King Magnadrake VII, these heathens shall be purified.” The captain yells.
        As the killing continues, Dr. Sevigril commanded Rt’han to run from the back door. Rt’han went out the back door and ran into the Cardinal Forest while Dr. Sevigril stayed and started to burn and destroy all the research. Rt’han ran as fast as his legs can carry him and fell unto a deep hole. Pain was at his back after felled down from the hole, apparently he heard a whisper “come inside, I have something to give you”. Rt’han followed the voiced and walked through the tunnels.
        Rt’han arrived at a sanctuary deep within the tunnels, and an ethereal lady shape liked stand between the two pillars. The lady began to speak, “I’ve been waiting for such a long time young man, I am Illiath a goddess of creation and also a goddess of destruction. The balance of this world has been shattered and we are fated to meet each other. Take this ring and thus I will make a contract with you and lend you my power.”
        Rt’han didn’t hesitated and took the ring into his finger, magic power was overflowed around his body and he became unconscious. Rt’han woke up after three hours of fainting, as he opened his eyes a young girl stands before him. The girl started to speak “Oh, you are awake. Are you alright sir?” The girl lends her hand and introduced herself as Mirileth.
        Rt’han was still confused, then he realised he wasn’t at the sanctuary. “What happened? Where am I?” Rt’han asked her. Annoyed face started to shown at Mirileth “Geez, you could introduce yourself first than ask. Anyway you are at my house, I found you lying at the riverbank near my house. So tell me your name and where you came from. Rt’han introduced himself and explained what happened to him.
        Mirileth was surprised that Rt’han comes from the land from the southern part of the land and now at the northern part of land. “This is Exodia village the northern part of this land. The thing is, how can you be here if you said you are from Krighton? That’s a far place you got there.”

~end of chapter 1~

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